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Flow Diagram For Paneer :-


1) First of all, fresh and good quality milk is taken.

2) The milk is heated up to 820C for five minutes to kill the pathogen and after heating it is cooled to 70C than 1% citric acid is added for coagulation than whey is drained out and milk solids are filled in hoops,

3) it is pressed by weight, after acid is pressed by weight, after sometime big pieces.

4) The paneer is than cut into convenient size and packed in suitable packed in suitable packaging material.

5) These big pieces are dipped in chilled water 4-60C.

6) After 1-2 hours, chilled water is drained out from water batch and paneer is packed into desired size and stored at 4-6 0C` temperature.

7) it contains about 26% fat ,17 % protein,3 lactose ,2% ash and 55%moisture.

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