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Updated: Jul 14, 2020



Livestock is an integral component of the farming system in India. The livestock sector is socially and economically very significant due to its multi-functional outputs and contribution to social security. This sector is adding value to the tune of Indian rupee (INR)1 1310 billion (4.2%) to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as per statistical data of 2007– 08 at 1999–00 prices, by contributing over 25.6% to the agricultural GDP and providing employment to more than 20 million people.

However, public investment in animal husbandry and dairying (AH&D) has not been

commensurate with the contribution of this sector to the national economy. Since the Fifth

Five Plan, the outlay for AH&D has been less than 10% of the total allocation for agriculture.

In 2008–09, the aggregate state capital expenditure on livestock was only 5.5% of the public

investment in agriculture and its allied activities and only 0.19% of the capital expenditure for developmental activities.

The growth in this sector has been limited to certain regions. For example, the states of Gujarat ,Punjab and Haryana have emerged as dynamic dairy regions, while poultry has shown faster development in southern India, particularly Andhra Pradesh. The focus has been less on small ruminants and pigs particularly in the eastern and north eastern parts of the country.


1) To study the methods and sale of different kinds of livestock i.e. cows, bullocks, buffaloes, sheep’s, goats, and poultry etc. and their preparation for sale.

2) To identify various agencies involved, functions carryout and channels of distribution in marketing of livestock and livestock product.

3) To estimate the cost of marketing of livestock. Milk and milk products, meat, eggs, wool, skin and hides etc.

Result and discussion

There are different kinds and system of sale of cows and other livestock

Method and sale of cow:-

- Cows belong to boss indigenous group cows are sold individually at owner door in market like weekly market.

- Monthly market at village level and yearly market at national level.

- Cows are sold at certain breeding centres and training centres.

- Livestock shows are arranged at regional level and all India level at such places on some amount sale and purchase of cow is done sale of cows is done in following groups.


( about one year age )

- Young female are sold for breeding.

- Price of heifer depends upon general health.

- Breed and age of animal.

Recently cowed:-

- Sale and purchase of the recently cowed are mostly preferred by cattle owner such as sold along with calf.

- Calf plays important role for the left down at milk.

- Price of such cow is fix on the production cows the milk and on the basis of breed of cow.

- In cowed cows we can estimate the most of the cows and the quantity of milk of the purchase.

- Consumer can measure the quantity of milk on the spot.

- There are successive milking are preferred for estimating cost of animal.

Pregnant cows:

- Cows are also sold during pregnant generally at the stage of 6 months to 8 months of pregnancy cow are preferred for purchasing advance pregnant animals ( 9 month ).

- In case of cow 9 months and 10 months in buffalo are early preferred because possibility is abortion during transport.

- Price of cows fix on breed of cow and health also stage of pregnancy.

- It pedigree is available that can be studied.

- High yielding dumb and sior give is more prices for selling their daughter.

- Sale and purchase of pregnant cows has always risk.

- Pregnant cows show risk of low production distikia and Abortion.

In the “Belha animal market” and other distinct market generally used following method of sale of cows.

1) Open market

2) Auction sale

3) Book value

4) Offset value

5) Hattya system

Method of sale of buffalo:-

- Buffalo are well given for milk production with fat percent.

- India is half of the population, now buffalo of the world.

- Buffaloes only seen in

1) India

2) Pakistan

3) Bangladesh

4) Indonesia

5) China

6) Columbia

7) Africa

8) Sri-lanka

9) Nepal and

10) Thailand

- We get 14,03,000 tone meat of buffalo per year

- Buffalo meat is exported in large scale

- Before export check the quality for bacterial and contamination form and in India, Maharashtra two forequarter situated at

1) Nagpur

2) Mumbai

- Buffalo meat exported of India 95% of total meat

- The significant price different between domestic and export buffalo meat

1996-97 1,545.75 Mt

1997-98 1,75,328 Mt

1998-99 13,33,920 Mt

- In Belha market buffalo are sold following methods and sing

- Buffalo are sold individually on basis of age milk production and stage of lactation.

- Pregnant buffalo calf group are done.

- Dry buffalo with week condition are no preferred by the dairy owner, such buffalo are sold slaughter.

Method of sale:-

Same method of sale cow, buffalo and bullock

1) Open market

2) Under cloth/ Hattya system

3) Auction sale

4) Book value

Various breed of buffalo:-

1) Murrha

2) Surti

3) Jaffarabadi

4) Pandharpuri

Method of preparation bullock for sale:-

India is a basically rural oriented country 76.27% of the population in the rural area. Cows and bullocks are the backbone of agriculture and plays major role in rural economy.

Most of the farmer is poor and small land holding for cultivation they need bullock help.

- Sell of bullock is depending on daily market fluctuation.

- The most important factor in long term supply in beef.

- Bullock are sold improve cost is depend on breed age of animal.

- Auction are done some time is less applicable to procure.

- Cattle show and exhibition the wait stain ding exhibition on price on bit system.

- Draft power estimated and above 4000 M/yr we have 185.2 M of cattle in India (2003)

Sign of good quality bullock:-

- Good size

- High hump

- Good health and vigour ( energy )

- High hide and tail

- Body language should move.

- Neck should be muscular

Various breeds of bullock in India:-

1) Rathi

2) Khillar

3) Haryana

Study the method and sale of the Goats:-

The man has been change from hunted to the thousand regarding animals by domestication of animal 800 years

This is first domesticated animal come food civilisation probably dog and goat. 70% of people in the rural area and 80% population used to keep the livestock.

“ Goat is poor man’s cow “

One goat = milk requirement of one family + meat + cash to owner

- Large demand for goat meat we are getting 4gm of meat per capita against the requirement of 130gm per capita.

- Price of goat is fixed on weight basis and sex basis.

- Goat provides 40% income to rural population. It is 1.2% annually contribution to the national economy by gets 350 corers of per annum.

- India rank 2nd in goat population.

Method of sale of goat:-

1) Open market

2) Weight basis

3) Contract basis

Breeds of goat:-

Indian breed:-

1) Osmanabadi

2) Jamnapari

3) Black Bengal

4) Sangamneri

Exotic breed:-

1) Sannen

2) Alpine

3) Angora

Method and sale of poultry:-

- India rank 5th in chicken production and 6th in eggs production in the world.

- It contributes 260 million of rupees in national income.

- It provides employment to 13 million people.

- Poultry production require proper knowledge of poultry keeping and owner should be familiar should be best practices of production and management.

- Chicken and eggs are essential food there is constant increasing demand for eggs and poultry.

- Poultry gives quick returns in terms of eggs and meat. 2 to 2.72 kg of feed is requiring producing 1 dozen eggs.

- Poultry is fulltime or part time job and create employment.

- Poultry market is well established and hence market is sure for sale.

- Women, children and yielder man can successfully run the poultry farm. In yearly poultry industry many breeds and varieties are developing.

- In last 40 yr poultry industry India has grown up giving their economic importance during agriculture enterprises.

- In beginning poultry business was develop at Delhi, Shimala, Bhuvaneshwar, Bangalore and Bombay.

- Government poultry firm were also started at each district.

- Government poultry farms was two groups

1) Asiatic birds

2) Meditarion birds

Method of sale:-

1) Marketing on the basis of weight of the birds.

2) Marketing done on basis of quantity of birds.

3) Contract marketing.

Breed of poultry:-

1) White leghorn

2) Black Minorca

3) Rhode Island Red

4) Polymonth Rock

5) Assel

Preparation of livestock for sale:-


For getting good price of animal, presentation and preparation is most important.


When the animal set for sale special care is needed before sending to the market.

At list 15 days to 1 month before selling extra ration with good quality feed should be provided green fodder is needed before sending the animal for sale. This thing contributes to keep the animal healthy. Such healthy animal is disease free. Skin of animal show shining no stein on body. Urine should be normal. Animal should not allow flies on the body of animal should move ears and tail frequently.

For these purpose periodic vaccination and dewroming is to be done.

1) Cleaning:-

Before presentation for sale animal should be wash properly with plenty of water remove the dung and urine strence from body.

2) Hygiene:-

To keep animal with good hygiene. Pesticide should use in animal houses to prevent mastitis, flays, eptoparacise etc.

There should not be bad odour to the body of animal.

3) Transportation of livestock:-

The animal care should be taken during transport each category on the animal need special precaution.

- Animal transported to a long distance more than 100km should get break journey.

- During break journey animal should be provide drinking water.

- There should not be over crowding during transportation.

- Animal should be transported during cool hours for avoiding stress.

- During loading and unloading avoide injuries.

- There should be partition of bamboos between two animals during transportation.

- Cows and kids to be transported separately.

Presentation of animal in exhibition:-

This pertains to the animals which are to be presented for a show or cattle fair.

Such shows are organising at regional level or all India level. Special care is to be taken for such occasions.

In case of buffalo saving of hair from body is done. Applicable of coconut oil is adopted to give the good look of skin, tail switch should be a proper shape. They should not be only discharge from eyes, nostrils or salivation from mouth. All the pregnant buffalos and newly cowed buffaloes should be provided with grass feeding.

It prevents injury to the udder and teats.

In case of breeding bull:-

The bull should be wash with clean water remove all staining. Make the animal dry do the grooming with coir. The hair from perfuse they should be trimmed.

If necessary give the proper shape to the horns. This can be done by rasping the horn. Please note that no oil paint is applied to the horns.

The animal presented to the exhibition should have new halter, new rope and provide shoal on the body.

In case of bullock:-

In case of bullock cleanliness is important grooming is necessary and animal should be healthy.

Ferocious animal should be control properly with the help of nose string and two ropes one on each side.

Along with the animal a labour or a person who is holding animal should be proper dress and clean. He should not have bad habits.

Agencies involved in livestock sale and purchase:-


Livestock is a big term it includes cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, poultry, pigs etc.

There are various agencies working in livestock industry sale and purchase of livestock. Objective of this practical is to study and to know about the agencies working in sale and purchase of various livestock.


The various products are produce by livestock and various by products are also produce on large scale in India. The main products are follows

1) Milk

2) Meat

3) Manure

4) Skin

5) Bone

6) Hide

7) Chicken and

8) Eggs, etc

Milk and milk by-products:-

In sale and purchase of the milch animals following agencies are involved.

1) Breeder

2) Farmer

3) Broker

4) Trader

5) Commission agent and

6) Consumer

In milk sale and purchase following agencies are involved

1) Dairy societies

2) Processing units

3) Dairy federation

4) Milk unions

5) Producer and

6) Retailer

The milk produce in India is 124 million tons per year. Out of this quantity 52% contributed by buffalo and 47% by cows and 2-3% by sheep and goat.

Utilisation of milk in India is done as follows.

The requirement of milk in India is 280gm. We get at present 230gm per capita. We are number one producer of the milk in the world. 50% of buffaloes of the world population are in India. Every year we import 15 thousand ton of milk powder and 5 thousand ton of butter.


In case of meat production we export 12 thousand million tone of meat throughout the year. Whatever meat is produce. 36% meat produces by sheep and goat.

The agencies involved in meat marketing are

1) Trader

2) Broker

3) Butchers

4) Shop keepers for meat

5) Consumers

There is more demand for export of buffalo meat in gulf countries.


Whatever manure is produced for livestock are completely utilise in India. It self dung manure is procure only 70% rest of the dung is wasted.

The poultry manure gives the more price than the dung manure. Poultry manure is used as a feed additive in cattle field and pig field. Poultry manure contains more protein, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Agencies involved in manure are

1) farmer

2) Dairy owner

3) Poultry farmers and

4) Consumers

Skin, Hide and Bone:-

Skin, hide, bones are fully utilise by following agencies

1) Tanners

2) Bone mill factories

3) Trader of hide

4) Exporter and

5) Consumer

Marketing channels:-


Sale and purchase of dairy cow and buffalo is done by specific channels.

It is necessary to study the channel for merit and demerit.

Marketing channels

Cow Buffalo and Bullock:-

I. Channel = FARMER----> FARMER

II. Channel= FARMER-------> BROKER ------>FARMER

III. Channel= FARMER-------> TRADER-----> BROKER -------->FARMER



I. Channel= TRADER --------->BUTCHER --------> SHOOP KEEPER------> CONSUMER











I. Channel= PRODUCER------> CONSUMER




Major Livestock market in Maharashtra :-

Market place Address Market day Speciality

Belha Pune Monday Bullock

Alephata Pune Thursday Cows

Chakan Pune Saturday Sheep & Goat

Akluj Solapure Monday Skin & Hide

Sangola Solapure Sunday Bullock

Loni A’nagar Wednesday Cows

Ghodegaon A’nagar Friday Sheep & Goat

Sakur A’nagar Wednesday Sheep & Goat

Lonand Satara Friday Cows

Sangamner A’nagar Saturday Sheep & Goat.

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